Saturday, November 29, 2008

Koko's Wish List.

 Dear Santa, 

 I love you. What kind of cookies do you like? My favorite are the girl scout mint. MMMM yummy. I know your busy and you want to bring me something I like so here is my wish list. 

*Starbucks  card- gold coffee mugs. Not sure how much $$$ but a set of either 2 or 4 would be grrreat.       

*New Viva La Juicy perfume.
*Puppy as cute as....
Tuffy not my dad.silly willy. 

* Tea pots! T.j. Maxx carries some of my favorite ones that I have purchased.
* Hoodie  zip up size M (I hate buying them for myself) 
*A super hottt stud muffin. NOT check that off I got 
that already!
* DOMINO magazine (January issue) 

Thanks Santa I believe in you and know I will receive nothing but hotness in a box at the following address 4012 Lilac Ridge Road  = ) 

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