Monday, November 9, 2009

Christmas Lists WANTED

It's That Time Of Year Again!
Ok guys it's getting close to Christmas again, yes I know it seems like it was only yesterday but it is. Mom says she doesn't know when we will be drawing names yet (it will be either Thanksgiving or sooner) BUT, I know that there are a few people wanting to do their Christmas shopping already, so if we could get EVERYONE to post their Christmas present "wish list" on here again that would be awesome. The user name and password to post on the blog are the same as last Christmas, if you don't remember what they were you can email me at and I will send it to you. The sooner you post the better. Thanks guys, love you all, and have fun making the posts. Can't wait to see you all soon *HINT HINT*.

:) Josh

P.S Remember it doesn't matter what you put on your list. Put it ALL there from the tiniest wish....
To your biggest wish you can think of.