Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anna's List

The Shoe Girl's Wish List

-New pet fish... possibly a turtle

-Collered duct tape(purple, yellow, green, white, etc)

-Chucks, high-tops any color(mostly yellow)

-A life size leg lamp

-Socks, knee-high highly favored, left sock cupcake.
-Jeans(same size as Karla and Abby)

-X-ray vision goggles

-Scuba diving gear

-Ski pass, ski gear, snow board, goggles, etc.

-Fuzzy pillows, green, pink, tootsie roll and whatever

-Sheep skin coat

-Elf shoes or an Elf

-Skull candy head phones

-Books are cool

-Shirts and stuff are welcome

-Sharpies of all colors

-An unlimited supply of gum, orbit sweet mint, jucie fuit, etc.

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